Association Profile
HCA Members are companies producing paints, varnishes and inks in Greece. Our members produce over 70% of domestic production. HCA was founded in 1960 by the founders of paints industry in Greece developing and advancing in a parallel route to the significant growth experienced by the industry. HCA is a full member of the European Federation of Manufacturers of Paints and Inks (CEPE) and the Hellenic Association of Chemical Industries ( HACI)
The Hellenic paint industry
The production of paints in a large scale basis began with the industrial revolution and was linked to the other industrial sectors. The advancement of technology and the dissemination of relevant applications created great demand for paints – varnishes for buildings, ships, machinery, furniture, etc.
Therefore, the coating technologies are categorised according to their intended use in construction, marine, automotive repair, furniture, inks, industrial and more. In Greece there are companies active in many of these sectors, but the area in which they focus extensively is that of decorative paints. This is explained by the fact of intense building activity of the years prior to 2009. Today several members have expanded their activities to the production of energy saving ETICS (external thermal insulation composite systems). The paint industry places in the market certified eco-labeled products (ecolabel), the paints industry is the first industry in number of certified products in Greece.
The main characteristic of the sector is that almost all businesses are independent family owned enterprises while firms of multinational subsidiaries are limited. During t he years of economic crisis after 2009, the industry as a whole lost 40% of his business, but companies have shown remarkable resilience by taking appropriate measures to reduce costs and enhance exports. Exports now account for 10% of their business. Countries destinations of products are the Balkan countries, former East and the Middle East. Imports in building colors represent only 5% of the market.